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Installation Guide: eWall

ServerSide Solutions is now a Message Sniffer OEM provider/reseller. If you plan to use eWall you should consider purchasing your Message Sniffer rulebase lisense from them.

The latest version of eWall includes tight integration with SNF including integrated installation of SNF. You will need your SNF license ID and authentication code before you begin. If you don't have an SNF subscription then please sign up fo a 30 day free trial. Note that eWall also offers a 30 day free trial.

What is eWall?

eWall is a scriptable, lightweight SMTP proxy that runs in front of your mail server. It can run on the same hardware, or on separate hardware if you prefer. As an SMTP proxy, eWall can eliminate most unwanted connections and messages before your server sees them - thus significantly reducing your system loads and providing valuable blocking that may not be available from your email server software.

For example, some email servers run slowly or become unstable when confronted with too many connections or when handling too many unwanted messages. An SMTP proxy can eliminate this problem by blocking the connections, spam, phishing, and malware (viruses) ahead of the email server.

Installing eWall

Server Side Solutions has a tutorial that shows a typical installation process.

When installing eWall on the same hardware with your email server, you configure your email server to accept messages on an alternate port such as 2525. Then eWall is configured to accept SMTP messages at port 25 and communicate with your email server on 2525.

When installing eWall on separate hardware, it is not necessary to use alternate ports for SMTP, however you do need to configure your email server so that it will not receive email "from the outside world" on port 25 or else spam will likely bypass eWall. You could use an alternate port strategy again, or you could block outside connections to your email server via a firewall.

Provide eWall with your SNF license ID and authentication string and it will set up SNFServer for you.

You can get eWall here:


Here is link describing some of eWall's features:

The latest version of eWall uses our XCI protocol to communicate with SNFServer directly so there is no need to write scripts that call the SNF client program. Instead you can create ordinary filters that use results from SNF and GBUdb.

The eWall new agent wizard will set up SNF based filters for you if you wish, or you can write your own.

See eWall documentation for details.

Please email with any questions.