int getScanXHeaders(int ScanHandle, char** Bfr, int* Length);

This function returns the scan result code (see Result Codes) and a pointer to a buffer containing any X- headers that were produced for the scan associated with the ScanHandle.

The function is passed a valid ScanHandle which identifies the scan result block to query; the address of a char* which will be changed to point to a buffer containing any X- headers that were produced; and the address of an integer which will be changed to the length of the X- headers buffer.

If no X- headers were produced for the scan then the pointer Bfr will point to a safe empty string and Length will be set to zero. Put another way, Bfr and Length will be consistent with an empty null terminated string.

The char* Bfr and the int Length will remain valid until closeScan() is called for this ScanHandle.

In order for X- headers to be produced the engine must be configured properly. For details visit the XHeader configuration documentation.

ScanHandle = a valid scan handle from scanBuffer() or scanFile().
Bfr = a pointer to a char* where the char* will be changed to point to the XHeaders.
Length = a pointer to an int where the int will be changed to the length of the XHeaders.
returns the scan result code upon success otherwise an error code:
snf_ERROR_NO_HANDLE - The ScanHandle is not valid.
snf_ERROR_EXCEPTION - There was a problem retrieving the data.
See Result Codes for other possible return values.
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