
A source header directive describes a message header that will contain the original source for the message and the conditions requried to accept that data.

In the case of source header directives, only Received headers are allowed to trigger the header directive. If there is a Received header in the message that matches the conditions defined then the header directive is activated. The matching Received header must be in the correct location and must contain a specific string. Usually the string matches [part of] the reverse DNS data for the IP and the top (ordinal 0) received header is selected.

Here is an example (usually commented out in the default configuration):

<header name='X-Originating-IP:' received='hotmail.com [' ordinal='0' /> 

The name='X-Originating-IP:' attribute describes the name of the header that will contain the original IP source for the message as X-Originating-IP:.

The ordinal='0' attribute indicates that the conditional pattern must be found in the top Received header in order for this header directive to be activated.

The received='hotmail.com [' attribute describes the string that must be found in the top header in order for this header directive to be activated. In this case the string is hotmail.com [ which on most systems would match a received header generated when the SMTP client is one of hotmail's outbound servers.

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