Running SNFServer In Debug Mode

If you really want to see more details then you can run SNFServer in debug mode, the same way you can run SNFClient in debug mode. That is - by either running it in a path that contains the word debug or by renaming the executable so that it contains the word debug.

The display will update every second or so with the normal update line followed by the thread status information for every thread running in SNFServer. This pushes things off the top of the window very quickly -- but the part you want to see is always visible for a second before it moves on. Below I've captured the first update for you (that is why the load indicator reads [0/0 | 0]).

View an example of SNF in Debug mode.

The threads and types are:

XCI Channel Manager (snfXCIManager)

This is the master thread for the XCI service. It monitors the configuration for the XCI subsystem, listens for XCI requests, and dispatches those requests to the best available Channel Processor.

C0-C3, Channel Processor (snfXCITCPChannel)

These threads handle XCI requests including the TCP traffic from and to the requesting program and all processing required to handle the request. There are four processing channels in the standard SNFServer implementation. This number has proven to be a good performance trade-off for most systems. That is -- a large enough number to take advantage of the available computing power, and a small enough number to leave some room for other processing on the system.

GBUdb Manager (snfGBUdbmgr)

This thread handles administrative, maintenance, and monitoring tasks related to the GBUdb database engine. Most requests to the GBUdb are handled by the thread making the request-- usually a Channel Processor.

Network Manager (snfNETManager)

This thread handles SNF Network Operations including SYNC events.

Log Manager (snfLOGmgr)

This thread manages the system logging oversight functions, statistics gathering, and report formatting.

Second Status Logger (DiscLogger)

This thread handles Per-Second status log file writes.

Minute Status Logger (DiscLogger)

This thread handles Per-Minute status log file writes.

Hour Status Logger (DiscLogger)

This thread handles Per-Hour status log file writes.

XML Scan Logger (DiscLogger)

This thread handles XML format Scan & Activity file writes.

Classic Scan Logger (DiscLogger)

This thread handles Classic format Scan & Activity file writes.

RulebaseGetter (Script Caller)

This thread launches the rulebase getting script via a system() call when triggered and enforces the guard time clock.

Reloader (snf_Reloader)

This thread checks the configuration and rulebase files for changes and reloads the rulebase manager when a change / update is detected.

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