Why does every email received, including emails that were sent as a test with spam, cause the SNFClient to return code 0?

When the system is working properly, any junk message that is scanned should get a nonzero result. Clean messages that are scanned should get a zero result. Something is wrong if this not the case. First, check your SNF log file. Then, check to see if you have any .err files.

**NOTE: SNFClient is designed to produce a zero result as a fail safe. So, if something goes wrong it will return zero in order to avoid blocking good messages. Alternately, you can also try running SNFClient -status.minute and it should produce the XML content of your status.minute log. If it does not, then most likely SNFServer is not running and SNFClient can't talk to it -- so SNFClient will return a zero after a long time and should also produce a .err file.